Wednesday, December 22, 2010


I have a wonderful friend who told me a long time ago that there's no such thing as security. It took me some time wrap my head around what exactly he meant. My friend is a veteran of Vietnam, and has some of the greatest insights to share about life, and the events that contribute to the formation of the way we perceive our world. One of the greatest lessons he has ever taught me comes from the insight that only a veteran can teach, and that is the nature of our reality living in a country like ours. When you have seen the things he has seen, when you have lived moment to moment with the knowledge that the next could absolutely be your last, when you have ducked your head momentarily only to watch a friend get his skull blown off, you come to a place that is decidedly real.

We constantly fill our lives with ideas of importance, and perceived needs. We place layers upon layers of seemingly harmless desires over necessity. He has often said, "to see the deer, you must look between the trees." How often do we find ourselves looking in the right direction, but focusing on the wrong thing. It is the space in between that is important and gives definition to life. Without the space in between the trees, the trees would have no form.

Security is false hope, it is the notion that if I do "X" I will be okay, and some how I have insured a future moment of existence. The fact is, no matter how many layers of perceived security we layer on to our lives, stocks, bonds, 401k's, jobs, friends, life insurance (which should be called death insurance,) we are no closer to security than the man who shakes his cup on the corner. I can exercise, and eat well, I can take supplements, and fortify my body, however, none of these things guarantees anything. Security is a fallacy we use to hide the true nature of life.

The sooner we come to expect uncertainty, the quicker we tune in to being alive. The only moment that exists is the moment you're in, and therefore what is to be cherished is now. It is my chief aim and purpose to experience each "now" as the greatest event of my life. Those experiences that came before have served their purpose, and any yet to come will be exactly as they were meant to be, based on the appreciation of "now."

It is not a pessimistic attitude that says, each breath could be my last, but rather the total opposite. When one truly embraces the moment as the last, true living, appreciation, and gratitude are experienced. Life is a precious gift, as cliche as that may sound. However, most of us are so busy building a perceived future, that what escapes us is the perfection and beauty of being exactly where we are in the moment we are experiencing. Every cherished now will take care of the busy tomorrow, and when we get out of our planning, and out of our head, we come to reality. Every abundant future started with seeing and appreciating what was presented at the moment. As my friend also says to me, "sometimes you have to go out of your mind, to come to your senses."

Be well, and live inspired,

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