Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Rapid Fire Day

It's 5am, alarm goes off, and I'm shot out of a cannon, and spinning through my day.  The snow is falling, the coffee is calling, and I'm already worried about skidding off the road.  Wait, I should probably get in the shower before I decide to crash my car; it's only prudent.  I wouldn't want to be unkempt if I needed to be rescued or given an ambulance ride.

For many of us, the mind shoots off like this, in a sky rocket the second the eyes pop open.  We are in a state of fast forward, thinking and living at a pace that often has us processing our day as we put our heads on the pillow.  I understand, we all have busy lives, but as the cliche goes: you have to stop and smell the flowers.  Most of us are always going to be busier than we have time to be, but that's ok, that's life.  It's how each moment flows into the next that makes a difference.  It's what I choose to do with each moment that matters. 

I can be a strange bird, I write down some of the most basic things on a  "to-do" list every day.  My list of things to accomplish starts off like this:
  1. Wake up at 5am - I need to remind myself that waking up early is important or I'm apt to take a couple of snoozes, and find myself "running late."
  2. Take shower - See above, if I'm running late, I "sink shower," and it always makes me feel crummy.
  3. Make coffee - I'm not sure I need this reminder, but if I forgot, I might as well go back to bed.
  4. Eat breakfast - A habit that puts me in the right frame of mind, and kick starts my metabolism for the day.  I've lost more weight since eating breakfast, than I ever did before.
Now, I could go on with my mundane list of "to-do's."  However, the point is, I need to to stay consistent and I need to release my mind to concentrate on new ideas and new concepts.  Most people have their routines, but I know for myself, that I need to be very clear on what I want to accomplish each day.  When I'm clear on where I want to go each day, I tend to get there quicker and accomplish ten-fold more, then when I rely on my habits of pattern.  I can also begin to focus my desire towards future accomplishments. 

One of the greatest benefits to writing out, and scheduling my day, even in the most mundane of fashions, is that I am able to create the time, that used to be filled with the grumbling sentiment, "I don't have the time."  When I look at the time that I'm using under a microscope, I seem to find more and more moments to use.  Frankly, and I DO mean to be so bold, most of us waste time, and we know it!  I am working very hard to mash my "couch potato" moments and utilize my time to grow and educate myself in ways that propel me to greater personal freedoms.  Right now, I'm working very hard to get educated in money and finance (a future blog no doubt!)

My friends at Just Credit Solutions sent me a handout that had the 26 biggest myths of credit.  Now, I'm sure most people know more than I do about their financial situation, and I know that most people are far more educated than I am when it comes to being credit worthy.  However, these 26 myths are eye opening statements that I would have never had the chance to learn, had I not decided to find the time in my day to make more happen. 

I am dedicated to building an amazing life for my wife and children, and we are stronger because we are shaping our destiny by the actions we take today.  I don't know if most people function like this on a daily basis, but I know that since I decided to leave my comfort zone, address my issues (a softer word for problems or deficits,) and create my life, I have found my self-esteem and personal empowerment shooting through the roof.  It's a greate feeling, knowing that you're breaking personal barriers and growing,
Click Here to learn what myth I learned about today!

Until next time, be well and live inspired!

Michael Cordin
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