Friday, December 31, 2010


"Every day, in every way, I'm getting better and better" 
- Émile Coué

A New Year, a new set of goals?  Not really.  Most of us have goals in our mind at all points of every year.  What makes the New Year so appealing to try and put those plans into action is the idea of a fresh start, a clean slate.  While this is noble, and worth while in pursuit, I challenge all who read this to see each day a New Year's day!  

Every day on waking should live the breath of a new moment in our history on which we can make those much needed personal improvements.  None among us is so perfected that we don't have things about ourselves which we cannot change or do better.  Waking in the morning should be the genesis of inspiration.  If starting a diet yesterday didn't happen when you tore open the package of Oreos last night, why not today?  If quitting smoking has eluded you, then why not today?   If repairing relationships with family or friends is renting space in your head, then it is time to evict those ugly tenants!  

Each day is opportunity (please refer to my previous post on the beauty of opportunity!)  Each day is a gift to do whatever we set our minds to doing.  The problem, if you're anything like me is, how do I get started?  How do I do it?  There is no simpler answer than this: Just do it!  Stop making excuses, the timing will never be right, and the longer it goes unchanged, the longer it negatively impacts our self-esteem.  We become mired in negative self-talk, and believe ourselves to be failures.  The fact is, you cannot fail at anything unless you try, and once you've tried, you are no longer a failure; even if the outcome isn't as you expected.  You see, the winning is in the attempt.  The victory is in the dedication and persistence to do whatever it takes to change. 

I could go on ad nauseam  about how we go about accomplishing any of our resolutions, however, the best speech ever given on how we achieve our goals, our resolutions, our desires, our purpose has already been given, by billionaire Art Williams:

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